# Types around the generator and generated tests This document describes types and concepts used across JavaScript and Python parts of this test framework. Please refer to the JSDoc in `common.sub.js` or docstrings in Python scripts (if any). ## Scenario ### Properties - All keys of `test_expansion_schema` in `spec.src.json`, except for `expansion`, `delivery_type`, `delivery_value`, and `source_context_list`. Their values are **string**s specified in `test_expansion_schema`. - `source_context_list` - `subresource_policy_deliveries` ### Types - Generator (`spec.src.json`): JSON object - Generator (Python): `dict` - Runtime (JS): JSON object - Runtime (Python): N/A ## `PolicyDelivery` ### Types - Generator (`spec.src.json`): JSON object - Generator (Python): `util.PolicyDelivery` - Runtime (JS): JSON object (`@typedef PolicyDelivery` in `common.sub.js`) - Runtime (Python): N/A ## `SourceContext` Subresource requests can be possibly sent from various kinds of fetch client's environment settings objects. For example: - top-level windows, - `