Pass | The transform property should not be affected by individual transform properties. | Asserts runPass | assert_equals("2", "2", "The scale computed style should match the inline style.")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-transforms/transform-and-individual-transform-properties-computed-style.html:11:5) | Pass | assert_equals("90deg", "90deg", "The rotate computed style should match the inline style.")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-transforms/transform-and-individual-transform-properties-computed-style.html:12:5) | Pass | assert_equals("100px", "100px", "The translate computed style should match the inline style.")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-transforms/transform-and-individual-transform-properties-computed-style.html:13:5) | Pass | assert_equals("matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100)", "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100)", "The transform computed style should match the inline style.")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /css/css-transforms/transform-and-individual-transform-properties-computed-style.html:14:5) |