Pass | CustomElementRegistry interface must have define as a method | Asserts runPass | assert_true(true, "\"define\" exists on CustomElementRegistry.prototype")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:17:5) | Pass | assert_true(true, "\"define\" exists on window.customElements")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:18:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must throw when the element interface is not a constructor | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('badname', 1); }", "customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is a number")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:22:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('badname', '123'); }", "customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is a string")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:24:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('badname', {}); }", "customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is an object")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:26:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('badname', []); }", "customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is an array")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:28:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must not throw the constructor is HTMLElement | Asserts runNo asserts ran |
Pass | customElements.define must throw with an invalid name | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(null, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:39:5) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define('', MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is empty")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:41:5) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define('abc', MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name does not contain \"-\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:43:5) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define('a-Bc', MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name contains an upper case letter")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:45:5) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"annotation-xml\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"color-profile\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"font-face\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"font-face-src\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"font-face-uri\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"font-face-format\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"font-face-name\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) | Pass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is \"missing-glyph\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:60:9) |
Pass | customElements.define must throw when there is already a custom element of the same name | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("NotSupportedError", function "function () { customElements.define('some-custom-element', OtherCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if the specified tag name is already used")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:78:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals([], [], "customElements.define must validate the custom element name before getting the prototype of the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:80:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError when there is already a custom element with the same class | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("NotSupportedError", function "function () { customElements.define('some-other-element', AnotherCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if the specified class already defines an element")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:88:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError when element definition is running flag is set | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("NotSupportedError", function "function () { customElements.define('outer-custom-element', OuterCustomElement); }", "customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if the specified class already defines an element")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:110:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype"], ["prototype"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:112:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals([], [], "customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError when element definition is running flag is set before getting the prototype of the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:113:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must check IsConstructor on the constructor before checking the element definition is running flag | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-bad-inner-constructor', ElementWithBadInnerConstructor); }", "customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if IsConstructor(constructor) is false")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:129:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype"], ["prototype"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:133:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must validate the custom element name before checking the element definition is running flag | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-bad-inner-name', ElementWithBadInnerName); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the specified name is not a valid custom element name")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:146:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype"], ["prototype"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:150:5) |
Pass | customElements.define unset the element definition is running flag before upgrading custom elements | Asserts runPass | assert_false(false)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:172:5) | Pass | assert_false(false)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:173:5) | Pass | assert_false(false)
at new ConstructorCallsDefine ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:164:13) | Pass | assert_true(true)
at new ConstructorCallsDefine ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:165:13) | Pass | assert_true(true)
at new ConstructorCallsDefine ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:167:13) | Pass | assert_true(true)
at new ConstructorCallsDefine ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:168:13) |
Pass | customElements.define must not throw when defining another custom element in a different global object during Get(constructor, "prototype") | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], ["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\", \"disabledFeatures\", and \"formAssociated\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:197:13) | Pass | assert_true(true)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:199:13) |
Pass | Custom Elements: CustomElementRegistry interface | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-bad-inner-name', ElementWithBadInnerName); }", "customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the specified name is not a valid custom element name")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:218:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype"], ["prototype"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\"")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:222:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must get "prototype", "disabledFeatures", and "formAssociated" property of the constructor | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], ["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:234:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting "prototype" property of the constructor | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:244:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must throw when "prototype" property of the constructor is not an object | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); }", "customElements.define must throw when \"prototype\" property of the constructor is null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:254:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); }", "customElements.define must throw when \"prototype\" property of the constructor is undefined")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:257:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); }", "customElements.define must throw when \"prototype\" property of the constructor is a string")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:260:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); }", "customElements.define must throw when \"prototype\" property of the constructor is a number")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:263:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must get callbacks of the constructor prototype | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals(["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback"], ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback"])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:278:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting callbacks on the constructor prototype | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback', constructor); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:295:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback"], ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback"], "customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the get throws")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:296:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while converting a callback value to Function callback type | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback', constructor); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:311:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback"], ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback"], "customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the conversion throws")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:312:5) |
Fail | customElements.define must get "observedAttributes" property on the constructor prototype when "attributeChangedCallback" is present | assert_array_equals: expected property 2 to be 6 but got 5 (expected array [0, "prototype", 6, "observedAttributes", 7, "disabledFeatures", 8, "formAssociated"] got [0, "prototype", 5, "observedAttributes", 6, "disabledFeatures", 7, "formAssociated"]) at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at test (
at Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals([1, "connectedCallback", 2, "disconnectedCallback", 3, "adoptedCallback", 4, "attributeChangedCallback"], [1, "connectedCallback", 2, "disconnectedCallback", 3, "adoptedCallback", 4, "attributeChangedCallback"])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:342:5) | Fail | assert_array_equals([0, "prototype", 5, "observedAttributes", 6, "disabledFeatures", 7, "formAssociated"], [0, "prototype", 6, "observedAttributes", 7, "disabledFeatures", 8, "formAssociated"])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:346:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting observedAttributes on the constructor prototype | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-throwing-observed-attributes', proxy); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:365:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "observedAttributes"], ["prototype", "observedAttributes"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\" and \"observedAttributes\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:366:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while converting the value of observedAttributes to sequence<DOMString> | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-invalid-observed-attributes', proxy); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:382:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "observedAttributes"], ["prototype", "observedAttributes"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\" and \"observedAttributes\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:383:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while iterating over observedAttributes to sequence<DOMString> | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-generator-observed-attributes', constructor); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:395:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while retrieving Symbol.iterator on observedAttributes | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function () { customElements.define('element-with-observed-attributes-with-uncallable-iterator', constructor); }")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:402:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must not throw even if "observedAttributes" fails to convert if "attributeChangedCallback" is not defined | Asserts runNo asserts ran |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting disabledFeatures on the constructor prototype | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-disabled-features', proxy)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:423:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "disabledFeatures"], ["prototype", "disabledFeatures"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\" and \"disabledFeatures\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:424:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while converting the value of disabledFeatures to sequence<DOMString> | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-invalid-disabled-features', proxy)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:439:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "disabledFeatures"], ["prototype", "disabledFeatures"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\" and \"disabledFeatures\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:440:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while iterating over disabledFeatures to sequence<DOMString> | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-generator-disabled-features', constructor)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:451:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while retrieving Symbol.iterator on disabledFeatures | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-disabled-features-with-uncallable-iterator', constructor)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:457:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting formAssociated on the constructor prototype | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-form-associated', proxy)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:472:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], ["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\", \"disabledFeatures\", and \"formAssociated\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:474:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must get four additional callbacks on the prototype if formAssociated is converted to true | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals(["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], ["prototype", "disabledFeatures", "formAssociated"], "customElements.define must get \"prototype\", \"disabledFeatures\", and \"formAssociated\" on the constructor")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:499:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback", "formDisabledCallback", "formStateRestoreCallback"], ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback", "formDisabledCallback", "formStateRestoreCallback"], "customElements.define must get 8 callbacks on the prototype")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:503:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting additional formAssociated callbacks on the constructor prototype | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_exactly(object "[object Object]", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback-2', proxy)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:536:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback", "formDisabledCallback"], ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback", "formDisabledCallback"], "customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the get throws")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:538:5) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback-3', proxy)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:556:5) | Pass | assert_array_equals(["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback"], ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback"], "customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the get throws")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:558:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must define an instantiatable custom element | Asserts runPass | assert_true(true, "An instance of a custom HTML element be an instance of the associated interface")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:572:5) | Pass | assert_true(true, "An instance of a custom HTML element must inherit from HTMLElement")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:575:5) | Pass | assert_equals("my-custom-element", "my-custom-element", "An instance of a custom element must use the associated tag name")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:578:5) | Pass | assert_equals("", "", "A custom element HTML must use HTML namespace")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:581:5) |
Pass | customElements.define must upgrade elements in the shadow-including tree order | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals([Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>], [Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>, Element node <some-custom></some-custom>])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:618:5) |
Pass | CustomElementRegistry interface must have get as a method | Asserts runPass | assert_true(true, "\"get\" exists on CustomElementRegistry.prototype")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:622:5) | Pass | assert_true(true, "\"get\" exists on window.customElements")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:623:5) |
Pass | customElements.get must return undefined when the registry does not contain an entry with the given name | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:627:5) |
Pass | customElements.get must return undefined when the registry does not contain an entry with the given name even if the name was not a valid custom element name | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:631:5) | Pass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:632:5) | Pass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:633:5) | Pass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:634:5) | Pass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:635:5) |
Pass | customElements.get return the constructor of the entry with the given name when there is a matching entry. | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:639:5) | Pass | assert_equals(function "class ExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", function "class ExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:642:5) |
Pass | customElements.whenDefined must return a promise for a valid custom element name | Asserts runPass | assert_true(true)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:646:5) |
Pass | customElements.whenDefined must return the same promise each time invoked for a valid custom element name which has not been defined | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(object "[object Promise]", object "[object Promise]")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:650:5) |
Pass | customElements.whenDefined must return an unresolved promise when the registry does not contain the entry with the given name | Asserts runPass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:658:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:659:9 |
Pass | customElements.whenDefined must return a rejected promise when the given name is not a valid custom element name | Asserts runPass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:667:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:668:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:671:9 | Pass | assert_true(true, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:672:9 |
Pass | customElements.whenDefined must return a resolved promise when the registry contains the entry with the given name | Asserts runPass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:683:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:684:5) | Pass | assert_true(true, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:687:9 | Pass | assert_equals(function "class PreexistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement { }", function "class PreexistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement { }", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:688:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:690:9 |
Pass | customElements.whenDefined must return a new resolved promise each time invoked when the registry contains the entry with the given name | Asserts runPass | assert_not_equals(object "[object Promise]", object "[object Promise]")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:703:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:704:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:705:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:706:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:707:5) | Pass | assert_true(true, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:710:9 | Pass | assert_equals(function "class AnotherExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", function "class AnotherExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:711:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:712:9 | Pass | assert_true(true, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:714:9 | Pass | assert_equals(function "class AnotherExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", function "class AnotherExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:715:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:716:9 |
Pass | A promise returned by customElements.whenDefined must be resolved by "define" | Asserts runPass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:725:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:726:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:730:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:731:9 | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object Promise]", object "[object Promise]", "\"whenDefined\" must return the same unresolved promise before the custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:732:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:735:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:736:9 | Pass | assert_not_equals(object "[object Promise]", object "[object Promise]", "\"whenDefined\" must return a resolved promise once the custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:740:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:741:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:742:9 | Pass | assert_true(true, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:744:9 | Pass | assert_equals(function "class ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined extends HTMLElement { }", function "class ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined extends HTMLElement { }", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:745:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:747:9 | Pass | assert_true(true, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:749:9 | Pass | assert_equals(function "class ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined extends HTMLElement { }", function "class ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined extends HTMLElement { }", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:750:9 | Pass | assert_false(false, "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:752:9 |
Pass | A promise returned by customElements.whenDefined must be resolved with the defined class | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(function "class ResolvedCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", function "class ResolvedCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must resolve with the defined class")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:760:9 |
Pass | A promise returned by customElements.whenDefined must be resolved with the defined class once such class is defined | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(function "class NotResolvedYetCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", function "class NotResolvedYetCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}", "The promise returned by \"whenDefined\" must resolve with the defined class once such class is defined")
at /custom-elements/CustomElementRegistry.html:766:9 |