
Harness status: OK

Found 8 tests


ResultTest NameMessage
PassDisconnecting an element with disconnectedCallback while it has a connectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must result in connectedCallback getting invoked before the removal completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "connected", "disconnected", "end"], ["begin", "connected", "disconnected", "end"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:40:5
PassDisconnecting an element without disconnectedCallback while it has a connectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must not result in connectedCallback getting invoked before the removal completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "end", "connected"], ["begin", "end", "connected"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:66:5
PassConnecting a element with connectedCallback while it has a disconnectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must result in disconnectedCallback getting invoked before the insertion completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["connected", "begin", "disconnected", "connected", "end"], ["connected", "begin", "disconnected", "connected", "end"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:92:5
PassConnecting an element without connectedCallback while it has a disconnectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must not result in disconnectedCallback getting invoked before the insertion completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "end", "disconnected"], ["begin", "end", "disconnected"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:117:5
PassAdopting an element with adoptingCallback while it has a connectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must result in connectedCallback getting invoked before the adoption completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "connected", "adopted", "end"], ["begin", "connected", "adopted", "end"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:142:5
PassAdopting an element without adoptingCallback while it has a connectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must not result in connectedCallback getting invoked before the adoption completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "end", "connected"], ["begin", "end", "connected"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:166:5
PassSetting an observed attribute on an element with attributeChangedCallback while it has a connectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must result in connectedCallback getting invoked before the attribute change completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "connected", "attributeChanged", "end"], ["begin", "connected", "attributeChanged", "end"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:192:5
PassSetting an observed attribute on an element with attributeChangedCallback while it has a connectedCallback in its custom element reaction queue must not result in connectedCallback getting invoked before the attribute change completes
Asserts run
assert_array_equals(["begin", "end", "connected"], ["begin", "end", "connected"])
    at  /custom-elements/enqueue-custom-element-callback-reactions-inside-another-callback.html:218:5