Pass | Foo interface: existence and properties of interface object | Asserts runPass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_false(false, "self's property \"Foo\" should not have a getter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1468:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "self's property \"Foo\" should not have a setter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1469:9) | Pass | assert_true(true, "self's property \"Foo\" should be writable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1470:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "self's property \"Foo\" should not be enumerable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1471:9) | Pass | assert_true(true, "self's property \"Foo\" should be configurable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1472:9) | Pass | assert_class_string(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "Function", "class string of Foo")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1505:9) | Pass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "FooParent", "self does not have own property \"FooParent\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_equals(function "function FooParent() { if (! { throw new TypeError('FooParent() must be called with new'); } }", function "function FooParent() { if (! { throw new TypeError('FooParent() must be called with new'); } }", "prototype of Foo is not FooParent")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1517:17) | Pass | assert_true(true, "interface object must pass IsConstructor check")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1531:9) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "function() { interface_object(); }", "interface object didn't throw TypeError when called as a function")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1534:9) |
Pass | Foo interface object length | Asserts runPass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "length")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1556:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.length should not have a getter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1558:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.length should not have a setter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1559:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.length should not be writable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1560:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.length should not be enumerable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1561:13) | Pass | assert_true(true, "Foo.length should be configurable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1562:13) | Pass | assert_equals(0, 0, "wrong value for Foo.length")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1566:13) |
Pass | Foo interface object name | Asserts runPass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "name")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1582:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, " should not have a getter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1584:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, " should not have a setter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1585:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, " should not be writable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1586:13) | Pass | assert_false(false, " should not be enumerable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1587:13) | Pass | assert_true(true, " should be configurable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1588:13) | Pass | assert_equals("Foo", "Foo", "wrong value for")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1589:13) |
Pass | Foo interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object | Asserts runPass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "prototype", "interface \"Foo\" does not have own property \"prototype\"")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1786:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype should not have a getter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1789:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype should not have a setter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1790:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype should not be writable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1791:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype should not be enumerable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1792:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype should not be configurable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1793:9) | Pass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "FooParent", "self does not have own property \"FooParent\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_not_equals(function "function FooParent() { if (! { throw new TypeError('FooParent() must be called with new'); } }", undefined, "should inherit from FooParent, but there is no such property")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1842:17) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function FooParent() { if (! { throw new TypeError('FooParent() must be called with new'); } }", "prototype", "should inherit from FooParent, but that object has no \"prototype\" property")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1844:17) | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object Object]", object "[object Object]", "prototype of Foo.prototype is not FooParent.prototype")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1846:17) |
Pass | Foo interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property | Asserts runPass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "prototype", "interface \"Foo\" does not have own property \"prototype\"")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1903:9) | Pass | assert_own_property(object "[object Foo]", "constructor", "Foo.prototype does not have own property \"constructor\"")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1911:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype.constructor should not have a getter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1914:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype.constructor should not have a setter")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1915:9) | Pass | assert_true(true, "Foo.prototype.constructor should be writable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1916:9) | Pass | assert_false(false, "Foo.prototype.constructor should not be enumerable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1917:9) | Pass | assert_true(true, "Foo.prototype.constructor should be configurable")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1918:9) | Pass | assert_equals(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "Foo.prototype.constructor is not the same object as Foo")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1919:9) |
Pass | Foo interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property | Asserts runPass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "prototype", "interface \"Foo\" does not have own property \"prototype\"")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1938:9) | Pass | assert_equals(undefined, undefined, "Foo.prototype should not have @@unscopables")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:1978:13) |
Pass | Foo must be primary interface of new Foo() | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2825:13) | Pass | assert_equals("object", "object", "wrong typeof object")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2826:13) | Pass | assert_own_property(object "[object Window]", "Foo", "self does not have own property \"Foo\"")
at IdlInterface.assert_interface_object_exists ( /resources/idlharness.js:1310:5) | Pass | assert_own_property(function "function Foo() { if (! { throw new TypeError('Foo() must be called with new'); } }", "prototype", "interface \"Foo\" does not have own property \"prototype\"")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2828:13) | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object Foo]", object "[object Foo]", "new Foo()'s prototype is not Foo.prototype")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2835:13) |
Pass | Stringification of new Foo() | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2846:9) | Pass | assert_equals("object", "object", "wrong typeof object")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2847:9) | Pass | assert_class_string(object "[object Foo]", "Foo", "class string of new Foo()")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2848:9) | Pass | assert_equals("[object Foo]", "[object Foo]", "String(new Foo())")
at IdlInterface.<anonymous> ( /resources/idlharness.js:2851:13) |