Pass | should return an array that includes itself. | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals(["A"], ["A"])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /resources/test/tests/unit/IdlDictionary/get_reverse_inheritance_stack.html:17:9) |
Pass | should throw for dictionaries which inherit from another dictionary which wasn't added to the IdlArray | Asserts runPass | assert_throws_js(function "function Error() { [native code] }", function "_ => d.get_reverse_inheritance_stack()")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /resources/test/tests/unit/IdlDictionary/get_reverse_inheritance_stack.html:22:9) |
Pass | should return an array of dictionaries in order of inheritance, starting with the base dictionary | Asserts runPass | assert_array_equals(["C", "B", "A"], ["C", "B", "A"])
at Test.<anonymous> ( /resources/test/tests/unit/IdlDictionary/get_reverse_inheritance_stack.html:30:9) |
Pass | A : B with B undeclared should throw IdlHarnessError | Asserts runNo asserts ran |
Pass | dictionary A : B with B interface should throw IdlHarnessError | Asserts runNo asserts ran |